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Experience, Reimagined.

Uniting Industry Experts to Reimagine Experiences

At Alida Activate: Experience, Reimagined, we united industry experts with visionary thinkers to connect, be inspired, and learn how to design valuable experiences for customers and employees.

Check out all the inspiring sessions featuring speakers from Logitech, Ipsos, and PLDT that will fuel you to create breakthrough experiences in your own organization and provide step-by-step action plans to build world-class programs.

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Ross-and-kerry-Keynote-session (1)

Empathy in Action

Ross Wainwright, CEO, Alida
Kerry Bodine, Founder, Bodine & Co.

Based on the recently released research report co-sponsored by Alida and Bodine and Co, Empathy in Action explores how empathy is a critical input for creating experiences that are effortless, enjoyable and provide value. This session will discuss the challenges in capturing and measuring customer empathy, and action steps businesses can take to overcome this massive hurdle in experience design and delivery.


CX Innovation for a Cookieless World

Riaz Raihan, President of Products, Alida
Maxie Schmidt, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

What does it take to innovate outside the box and deliver world-class experiences for customers, employees, products, and brands? Join Riaz Raihan, Alida’s President of Products & Engineering and Maxie Schmidt, VP Principal Analyst at Forrester. Reimagine innovation, prepare for the new era of total experience management (TXM), and get the inside exclusive on Alida’s 2022 innovation roadmap.


How Logitech Uncovered New Segments & Designed Inclusive Experiences

Ben Michelmore, Head of User Learning Research Center, Logitech
Gbenga Ajasin, Associate Director, Customer Success

As part of their efforts to better understand customers, Logitech recruited hundreds of customers to provide in depth feedback on products and experiences. During this process, they uncovered a massive, untapped audience – Neuro-divergent gamers. See how they discovered this customer segment and how they quickly pivoted to design more inclusive experiences that keep their players coming back for more!


How Customer Insights Help PLDT Identify and Solve Customer Service Gaps

Eden Gillian P. Brillo-Gonzales, Head of Market Research, PLDT Home

PLDT saw a huge shift in demand for stable, fiber-fast internet connectivity as more people began working from home during the pandemic. Hear from Eden Brillo on how PLDT launched a targeted survey program and gathered the insights needed to better understand and react appropriately to changing customer expectations.


How to Respond to Changing CX Expectations: 3 Principles for Success

Stephane Sanchez, Asia Pacific Lead, Customer Experience & Channel Performance, Ipsos

While customers' fundamental needs are still the same since the pandemic began, expectations have shifted. This change has caused many organizations to focus on implementing or expanding their CX strategy to keep up with the new needs of today’s consumers.
Join our speaker from Ipsos to discover CX strategies that stand the test of time.

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Get access to all of the inspiring keynotes and customer sessions from Alida Activate: Experience, Reimagined.

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Alida is a Community Research platform that helps the world's biggest brands create highly engaged research communities to gather feedback that fuels better customer experiences and product innovation.