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Naming Your Insight Community

Written by Alida

Published May 18, 2018

The name you choose for your insight community will help establish a brand and identity that your community members will recognize and relate to. The name should be easy to remember, and is usually closely tied to your target audience.

What defines a good name?

We recommend you consider the following criteria when choosing a name.

The name should:

  • Identify with members and/or the type of activities you will be sending your members
  • Suggest the community is a distinct group of individuals that they will be joining to participate in
  • Have the company name incorporated into the name as this will lead to a more successful recruitment of the community, and encourage open and candid responses from your members once they join.

Below are a few examples of names you could choose:

  • [brand] Insights
  • My Voice For [brand]
  • [brand] Crew
  • [brand] Sharing Room
  • My [brand] Opinions
  • [brand] Lounge

Or you can take your chances and generate a random name, like .... Screaming Taupe Llamas.

Although you do not need to trademark your chosen name, we recommend asking your legal team to confirm that the name is not already trademarked by another party.


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