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Our Commitment to Employees and Customers During COVID-19

Written by Ross Wainwright

Published March 12, 2020

As the world prepares for, and responds to, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we want to express our commitment to the health and safety of our people. The wellbeing of our employees, their families, and our global customers is of the highest priority.

Like many others, we’re taking guidance from Canada Health, CDC, and the World Health Organization. We’re committed to caring for our teams and ensuring they have what they need to keep themselves and their families safe. We have provided them with guidance and will continue to monitor the latest information as it becomes available. 

Our global employee base is already set up to work remotely and we have encouraged our teams to work from home should they need to, or if they feel more comfortable doing so. We’re supporting individuals taking sick days as they need and have asked our teams to travel only if it’s critical to our business in support of our clients.

We know there is uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, but it is our responsibility to be prepared for volatility in the markets and help our clients receive a consistent level of service and support. Our focus is to continue to provide service to all our global customers, no matter their geographic location. We do not anticipate any disruption and with employees already situated all over the world, we will continue to respond to urgent issues in real-time and offer proactive support. 

While the threat remains low, it’s prudent to be proactive. Our priority will continue to be the safety and welfare of our employees, their families, our customers, and all those connected with Alida. 

I wish everyone a safe spring season. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or my executive team if we can be of any assistance. 


Best regards,

Ross Wainwright

Chief Executive Officer |  Alida