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What Is Customer Experience Management?


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What Is Customer Experience?

Customer experience (CX) focuses on the relationship between a business and its customers. It encompasses every interaction that a customer has with a company’s employees, systems, channels or products at all stages of the customer journey, including how customers view those experiences in aggregate.

Customer Experience is just one element of Total Experience which combines multi-experience, customer experience, employee experience, and user experience to create a  superior, interconnected experience for customers and employees.

Nowadays customers have more choice and a greater number of ways to interact with businesses than ever before. The way customers feel about their interactions with a brand is directly linked to customer retention, lifetime value, and brand loyalty. 

More companies are realizing the importance of Customer Experience as a way to help  drive competitive advantage. Some companies have spent years honing and crafting their CX Strategy and others are just starting out on their CS transformation.

What is customer experience management?

Customer experience management (CXM) is essential for all businesses, offering valuable insights into every brand interaction and touchpoint. Create better products, stay ahead of the competition, and provide a stronger brand experience across the entire customer journey — all through the feedback, analysis, and orchestration offered by CXM.

When done right, CXM captures a 360-degree view of the customer experience so businesses can better understand what customers want at all times, even as those preferences evolve over time across different channels.

When brands have a laser sharp focus on CXM, the benefits far exceed those just for their customers. Customers know when a brand really cares, and industry studies have shown that brands who get CXM right thrive where others don’t.

In fact, highly satisfied customers generate 2.6x more revenue than those who are just slightly satisfied.

One in three customers will walk away from a brand they LOVE after just one bad experience.

And 71% of customers will recommend products and services because they had great experiences.

With the right approach, CXM delivers true business value for your organization.

Understanding customer experience measurement

For 20 years, NET PROMOTER SCORESM has been an invaluable metric for understanding an organization’s potential for growth by asking one simple question, “How likely are you to recommend company X to a friend or colleague?”

Depending on the response, customers will fall into one of three buckets:

Promoters: loyal customers that will recommend buying from you.

Neutral (or passives): customers who are satisfied but don’t have strong feelings (positive or negative) about your company.

Detractors: Unhappy customers who will not buy from you, and may discourage others from buying from you.


Though simple in concept, being able to answer this question (and have a process in place to make actionable changes from the information) has a big impact on many key business objectives: increasing revenue, customer loyalty, customer lifetime value, better/faster products to market, and so much more.

Twenty years of innovation have expanded NPS programs from a one-question survey into an intricate and sophisticated organization-wide undertaking, but many companies still struggle today to make use of this core nugget of information.

As technology has matured to do more with NPS to connect feedback with action and to get deeper customer insights through integrations—NPS programs find themselves in the midst of a renaissance.

If you’re late to the game with incorporating an NPS program into your organization or trying to figure out why your legacy program isn’t delivering on tangible business outcomes, it’s time to revisit your program.

To get your organization on the right path to success, we’ve highlighted seven core questions you can ask to start identifying areas of improvement. Companies that are able to answer each of these questions with “yes” are well on their way to having an industry-leading NPS program.

1. Is NPS feedback captured from multiple customer touchpoints and channels?

Capturing NPS from multiple touchpoints and channels is necessary for getting an accurate understanding of a customer or consumer’s true feeling about the brand. If your NPS metric is only derived from a single survey (often only run once or twice a year), your data will be skewed. If a customer has a negative support experience two days before they receive an NPS survey, their score will be lower than their true long-term perception of your brand.

Successful NPS programs provide multiple touchpoints that allow customers to provide feedback in real time as part of the overarching NPS program. They reach out to customers as they interact with you to get feedback on individual components within the customer journey to make targeted improvements.

The more touchpoints you’re able to capture in your NPS program, the more accurate your data will be. With more accurate data, you’re able to make better business process improvements.

2. Is NPS feedback actioned into improvement initiatives?

This is where most organizations get it wrong with NPS. It’s commonplace for organizations to say, “we had an NPS program, it didn’t do much for us.” The reality is that these organizations collected information about how customers were feeling but didn’t drill into the details and action improvements from the information.

At its core, NPS is a quantitative metric. It is a tool that can be used to reflect on past performance to identify areas to improve within individual customer experiences and/or with organization-wide process improvements. Without actioning the feedback, you’re missing out on the opportunity that NPS provides.

Modern NPS programs even go beyond just a quantitative metric to include qualitative feedback that encourages customers to go into details and be specific about the causes of their dissatisfaction. This provides even more insight for organizations to make relevant, necessary improvements.

3. Is the NPS collection and review process a formalized program?

When an organization doesn’t have an NPS program with a formal collection and review process, customer feedback often goes into a black hole. Sometimes, even when there is a formal process in place, it’s not well implemented by the organization and feedback falls through the cracks. This can have a very negative impact on your organization.

If months go by without customers seeing the impact of their feedback, you risk damaging the reputation with that customer. If a customer is spending time out of their day to help you improve your product or service, you need to show them the impact their feedback had on the organization. Without this process for closing the feedback loop, you risk turning promoters into neutrals—or even detractors.

A formal process also helps ensure feedback is getting to the right teams responsible for making the improvements. Everyone involved in the program must understand the follow up process and how feedback is routed to the appropriate teams. It must be done in a way that ensures proper teams consume the right information.

Some of the largest companies in the world track NPS survey results in a single, static spreadsheet. This leads to inconsistent performance and exposes the organization to a lot of risk around not following through on the feedback received from customers.

4. Are your company leaders champions of capturing customer feedback and improving customer experience scores?

At the highest level of your organization, you have to care about improving the customer experience. It’s not enough to ask the question if you don’t care about the answer. Customers can tell if you’re pretending to care. That goes for anyone who interacts with your brand. You have to thank them for their feedback and show them the positive improvements to come from it. Whether that feedback relates to product, brand, customer support, or any other department, having buy-in from the senior leader of that team is table stakes for ensuring actionable changes are being made.

At the corporate level, CX metrics should be captured on executive dashboards, measured over time, and reported to senior leaders to inform what direction you’re going and what is being done to continue to push in the right direction. It goes beyond simply moving the needle.

5. Is employee performance or compensation tied to NPS?

Many companies make the mistake of tying CX metrics directly to compensation. “If you don’t move the needle, you don’t get a bonus.” This incentivizes bad behavior and often leads employees to manipulate the system to get the metric they need vs improving the experience for the customer. It’s the wrong way to offer monetary incentives and is highly susceptible to corruption.

The right way to incentivize is to tell the stories of how you turned detractors into promoters, and how you were able to directly impact a customer. These stories humanize the customers and provide great rallying tools for the organization to see and understand the importance of CX improvements.

It’s not wrong to attach employee compensation to some metrics, but it’s important that those metrics are relevant to each team assigned to them. Corporate NPS is incredibly vague for a product engineer. If they can’t see how the work they do is tied to the figure in a real way, they will struggle to deliver. For that same product engineer, focus on metrics like product NPS, number of features delivered, customer adoption of new features, etc.

6. Are there NPS reports or dashboards available across the organization?

Best-in-class customer experience organizations look at NPS dashboards every month, broken down by the functional areas of the organization they’re measuring NPS for (product, brand, corporate, customer service, etc.). It’s important to also share those metrics across the business. Let your employees take pride in the amazing work they’re doing to improve the customer experience. Other teams will rally behind the value-add metrics.

Companies that get this wrong often have multiple versions of dashboards all over the place and different programs that hit customers from multiple directions across multiple teams. We’ve seen examples of customers getting over 20 survey requests from a single organization in one day. This lack of centralized control puts the burden on the customer to figure out what is important to you–and they aren’t likely to expend the effort. With poor response rates and disparate feedback collection throughout the customer journey, you risk degrading their opinion of your brand. You need a single source of truth to identify trends and topics that need further investigation.

7. Is there a single, unified NPS platform used across the company?

As mentioned above, there should be a single source of truth for NPS management within the organization. Everyone should have awareness of the platform and it should be well defined. There can be multiple inputs into this program, but ultimately you’re looking for a hub-and-spoke approach where the data is collected in a way that makes it meaningful to business stakeholders.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty scores like NPS can take many forms within an organization, and they all need to be visible to everyone in real time. The best way to do this is by implementing a single platform that is shared amongst teams. Just be cautious about your integration strategy so you don’t introduce too much complexity and make the solution tough to manage.

Don’t give up on NPS as a metric just because you’ve had a bad experience with it. It’s okay to get it wrong, and it’s okay to seek out help to ensure you’re maximizing the value for your company and customers.

A proper, actionable NPS program is not built overnight–and it requires buy-in from every department in the organization to get right.

By putting a plan in place to account for each of these core considerations, your organization is well on its way to implementing a best-in-class NPS program that will help drive unparalleled growth for the organization and drive additional value through increased revenue, customer satisfaction, and more.




NPS is often criticized for not being prescriptive enough. Companies can struggle to correlate NPS scores with tangible business outcomes. Sometimes the scoring methodology is at fault, sometimes it's the implementation—but most of the time the reason why NPS programs fail is the lack of appropriate follow-up. We believe that NPS is an effective first stage in CXM program maturity. Can you get value from NPS alone? Yes. NPS scores will give you directional guidance on how your brand is perceived by the most important people—your customers. Is it the be-all, end-all solution that you need to generate customer loyalty and steal customers away from your competition? No, but it's a good first step on the maturity curve. What we are seeing is that, as technology has matured to do more with NPS to make it prescriptive through connecting feedback with action, and to get deeper customer insights through integrations with customer engagement solutions–NPS programs find themselves in the midst of a renaissance. In recent years, and even more since the pandemic, customers are approaching us about NPS as a starting point in their customer experience management journey. 

There are 5 stages of the maturity model, from informal, scattered feedback (or none at all) to a predictive approach bringing in artificial intelligence to prescribe improvement initiatives. We developed the maturity model to help our customers cut through the noise of too much customer data in too many places and move towards a state where the most important customer experience indicators are captured and used to drive the type of improvements that lead to competitive advantage.

Stage 1 is when you don't have a formal program in place. This doesn't necessarily mean you aren't surveying your customers. In fact, you might be over-surveying them with a constant stream of questions from teams across your business using a variety of tools and data formats. A heavy customer survey burden depresses response rates and can actually negatively impact the perception of your brand. I have personally received distinct surveys from a single vendor multiple times in a single day, many asking me the exact same questions. The most common reaction is to hit "unsubscribe," and that reaction alone is justification to do something differently. But there's more you need to consider. If you have a decentralized situation with no clear understanding about how customers feel about your brand, your products, your services and customer experiences, it's really hard to plan meaningful improvements - or to even recognize that they need to happen before a competitor overtakes you. Cautionary tales about defunct brands often begin this way. 

Stage 2 in the maturity model is about 1) understanding the business impact you hope to achieve by implementing an NPS program 2) gaining buy-in from the stakeholders across the business to ensure the NPS feedback collected is going to materially inform and direct customer experience programs and 3) implementing the program in the right way to keep the flow of NPS feedback flowing - so you can take proactive or corrective action in an agile way.

From a practical point of view, this is the implementation of either (or both) a corporate level NPS survey and functional ones (product NPS, etc.). This stage requires integrated people, process and technology to ensure the right audience is engaged, at the right time, and the results not just make their way back into the hands of the stakeholders, but that a process exists so the stakeholders can follow-through on the comments collected from promoters and detractors. Stage 1 maturity requires a certain degree of technology sophistication - the ability to see trends over time, the ability to parse text and detect sentiment from comments shared as part of the NPS survey (beyond the score) as well as the ability to share results with business stakeholders. But it also requires buy-in from the various stakeholder groups so there is no break in the process that could devalue the program. There's nothing more frustrating than taking the time to provide feedback, only to find that nobody does anything with it. This follow-through must be operationalized or the NPS program will fail. 


Stage 3 is about closing the loop on NPS scores and additional feedback provided, automating responses and other actions based on meaningful criteria specific to your business to ensure appropriate follow-up from your functional stakeholders such as the products team, customer service organization, marketing team, etc. From a technology perspective, this means taking in the NPS scores and other customer attributes and then running that data through a tailored set of rules that will determine the next step—either automated or manual.

NPS Graph
An example is: Detractor survey received from customer -> Processed by the rule engine which determines the customer is both a detractor and a member of a key customer segment critical to revenues -> a case is created and assigned to a customer success manager to make contact to work through the root cause of the issue OR an automated apology and special offer are sent.

The end to end workflow is managed within a single platform so customer experience leaders can see the closed-loop nature of the feedback, and identify root causes that can drive improvement programs. 


Stage 4 is where you drill into the details to prescribe solutions in partnership with a connected customer insights platform - understanding not just "why" a certain NPS score was provided, but determining which specific improvements should be prioritized to change the course of the perception of your brand, products and services. At this stage of maturity, you are informed by customers who care about being heard to improve the products and services they consume from your brand - as you decide upon and make your improvements to customer experience. Companies at this level of maturity are testing concepts and approaches with a group of well-profiled customers so they know how to meet the needs of their target customer segments, truly making the end-to-end NPS program into a competitive differentiator. This is an area where great strides have been made in recent years to better understand and engage with customers at scale using a customer insights platform - meaning companies no longer have to be reliant upon infrequent meetings of user groups or customer advisory boards where only a handful of people get to contribute. Our most mature customers are connecting these deep insights with NPS score data and the closed-loop CXM engine to drive the most informed and lowest-risk improvement programs to create a competitive advantage. 


Stage 5 maturity is where the most mature organizations operate. These brands combine direct feedback (when customers talk to you) with indirect data (when customers talk about you) with inferred NPS based on look-alike modeling for known audiences. These companies bring in data from social listening tools to see how their brand is perceived by people that haven't responded directly to a survey. They ascertain where events have taken place along the customer journey that are likely to have an adverse impact on customer loyalty. They action the indirect, direct and inferred feedback in the CXM rule engine, make the known and projected NPS scores available to stakeholders, allowing them to drill into the sources of the information - and help brands predict measurable improvements to NPS that can be achieved through the implementation of recommendations offered through artificial intelligence. This level of maturity is proactive rather than reactive, and gives brands a real opportunity to inject voice of the customer into the most strategic decisions the company makes. This is what it means to truly have a pulse on customer sentiment.

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How does CXM help brands understand the customer journey?

Everyone benefits from well-run CXM programs: your customers, your company, and your business partners.

CXM brings something to the table for everyone involved:

CUSTOMERS benefit from better products and services that are more aligned with their needs, as well as brand experiences that deliver exactly what they want. Bendigo Bank reported 75% faster customer support calls and a 90% drop in customer complaints after incorporating CXM.

BUSINESSES benefit from increased revenue, accelerated innovation, stronger engagement, and reduced risk. Condé Nast generated more than $1 million in additional annual revenue from new product offerings that were directly influenced by CXM.

USERS benefit from stronger relationships with business partners, clearer visibility into customer behavior, and a closer alignment on long-term strategic vision. Twitch saw a 200% increase in insights generated that could be shared with key strategic partners.


Many organizations struggle with two major experience issues: Customers feel that brands either are not completely in tune with their needs or simply fail to meet their expectations.

Companies can address both problems by following the LIAM framework:



Customers provide feedback and input through a wide variety of sources across both digital and physical channels. Businesses need to continually gather that information to fuel their CXM efforts and understand the customer experience. Don’t confine yourself to just surveys, either—collect data from every available source, from social media posts to insight communities.


Once that data has been collected, companies then need to compile customer feedback so relevant stakeholders can easily access it. Businesses must also equip employees across the organization—including Customer Experience, Marketing, and Product Development—with analytics that enable teams to drill into available data and extract meaningful insights to guide decision-making. 


There are two ways brands can act on customer feedback and deliver a better experience. First, companies can respond to specific feedback by following up with each customer individually. CXM platforms make it much easier to manage these activities, establishing rule-based criteria used both for rule engines in CXM applications and for brand representatives to follow depending on the specific situation and customer. Organizations can also react at a more systemic level, incorporating the insights they have gathered into their products, business processes, and strategies to ultimately improve customer experience at the broadest level.


Businesses need to keep tabs on the effectiveness of their CXM efforts, continually measuring program performance through meaningful KPIs. For instance, many organizations use NPS, CSAT, CES, and churn/retention rates as benchmarks to measure customer experience. It’s also extremely important that businesses make that data and accompanying analysis available to stakeholders in different departments through user-friendly dashboards and a centralized platform.


With CXM, companies gather feedback throughout the entire lifecycle of the customer experience. Every insight—whether it’s direct or indirect input—sheds more light on customer sentiment and the best way to improve the brand experience. Don’t underestimate the value of experiential enhancements: According to PwC, 65% of consumers believe good experiences influence their purchase decisions more than even the most effective advertising campaigns.

Alida CXM allows you to measure experiences across physical and digital channels to completely map out the customer journey. Understand what your customers need and when they want it, and why, to deliver precisely what they expect from your brand.

Continually monitoring your customer experience KPIs enables you to pivot quickly if customer experience trends are moving in the wrong direction.

65% of consumers believe good experiences influence their purchase decisions more than even the most effective advertising campaigns.

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What is a CXM platform and how does it collect customer feedback?

Great CXM doesn’t happen overnight. Businesses need to dig into every aspect of customer experience before tailoring interactions and services based on that information—all without losing sight of the big picture.

By following the LIAM cycle, you can gather valuable insights, understand what your customers want at all times, deliver a better customer experience, and check that your brand continually meets evolving customer needs and expectations.

Any company can build a successful CXM program with the right combination of strategy and solution. Keep in mind that each of the four pillars discussed here directly influences one another. Taking a holistic approach that balances each of those values while simultaneously ensuring each pillar serves the larger business goals is key.

Alida CXM gives companies all the tools needed to tackle CXM from every angle and drive more business value through a better customer experience.

Alida created the world’s first customer experience management (CXM) and insights platform to turn customer truth into action. The platform enables a consistent flow of rich customer feedback; optimizing and driving business outcomes while ensuring a world-class customer journey through Alida's unique approach of coupling broad feedback with deep insights to create meaningful and lasting customer relationships and build brands that stand the test of time.

Our mission is to help companies make decisions with their customers, not for them. For over 20 years, iconic brands like BuzzFeed, LinkedIn and Red Bull have chosen Alida, formerly Vision Critical, as their secret weapon.


Alida is unique in the market because we give organizations the ability to gather broad feedback from millions of customers and connect it with the highly prescriptive deep insights that one can obtain only from a community of highly-engaged members.


Empowering organizations with broad insight and deep feedback enables them to manage, monitor, and optimize millions of customer experiences. Collect broad feedback from your entire customer base and, through frictionless integration, unlock more meaningful insights through deeply profiled advocates with an insight community. We tie the two together to form our Customer Experience Management (CXM) and Insights Platform. We’re the only company in the CXM market globally that can do both.


We are a value-driven customer experience provider that’s all about driving business outcomes. We begin with value discovery, working together to understand the business benefit that we can deliver for our clients. Our solutions are implemented for value realization that continues throughout the client lifecycle.


We deliver continuous value through the lens of our industry expertise. Our team of experts has developed CX programs for the world's largest brands, across many industries, with a proven track record of success.



Why is investing in a CXM platform good for customer retention?

Investing in a CXM platform is good for customer retention. Customer relationships are more complicated and more important than ever as businesses interact with customers across a wide variety of physical and digital touchpoints. Customer experience management (CXM) is essential for organizations to monitor those relationships, evolve along with their customers' changing needs and preferences, and incorporate customer insights and feedback into their decision-making.


CXM Infographic



What is customer experience strategy?

Customer experience strategy is an actionable plan to deliver a positive, meaningful experience across every interaction a customer has with a business.

When defining your customer experience strategy, include all departments, not just customer-facing teams. Incorporate customer feedback and insight across the company to align the organization around the intended goal: improving the customer experience.

On top of making your customers happy, an effective customer experience strategy will also impact the business in the following ways.


By continually refining their offerings according to customer needs and preferences, companies can release products that are better positioned to compete in even the most crowded markets. CXM shows businesses exactly what customers want so they can meet those expectations, leading to higher sales and retention rates.

Creating a better customer experience, in and of itself, is essential to boost revenue. Enhancing the customer experience will lead to happier customers—and that means stronger brand loyalty, higher retention rates, and long-term revenue growth. According to HubSpot, 90% of customers who receive great services and brand experiences will likely spend more money with a company.

Alida’s CXM solutions allow for greater customer segmentation as well, enabling businesses to group customers according to specific demographics. Organizations can then tailor engagement activities and product investments around each of those segments—in essence, treating them as their own separate source of revenue.

90% of customers who receive great services and brand experiences will likely spend more money with a company.


Every strategic decision a business makes—from which marketing campaign to use for each market segment to which product concepts to place in market—should be driven by customer insights. Without that deep understanding of the customer experience, businesses run the risk of making decisions that don’t align with what customers care most about. Any shifts in business strategy, product development, or customer engagement will be inherently flawed and put revenue at risk.

CXM solutions effectively de-risk your decision-making by assessing the marketplace, analyzing the competition, and showing you what customers really want. For example, use the Alida CXM and insights platform to incorporate customer feedback and insights about gaps in the market when developing new products so every release is guaranteed to appeal to specific customer segments in a differentiated way. It’s easier to gain a competitive advantage, increase profits, and expand your market share when you know your target customer inside and out.


CXM solutions provide many opportunities—including through insight communities and digital CABs—to collect feedback about your products and services. Use those insights to continually refine and improve your offerings to meet customer needs and fill any gaps in the marketplace, effectively closing the loop with your customers.

Brands today need the most up-to-date information available to respond to rapidly developing market shifts, so be sure that your CXM platform has the speed and agility to keep up.

Your CXM platform should also streamline internal processes that would otherwise require a lot of time and effort to manage. The Alida CXM and insights platform allows you to continually capture more feedback and give staff more freedom to drive innovation by focusing on new services, products, and other offerings.

Your CXM platform should also streamline internal processes that would otherwise require a lot of time and effort to manage.


Many businesses see immediate benefits from their CXM programs since it’s easy to score quick wins. Often though, brands hit a plateau as measurable results level off.

It’s very difficult to take a good CXM strategy and elevate it for high performance. Don’t be discouraged if you also reach a CXM plateau. Pivoting toward a holistic approach supported by the four value pillars will align CXM strategies and business goals. It’s also important to leverage technology that captures data from every source, compiles customer input, and converts that information into actionable insights.

Don’t forget to focus on outcomes. Be sure every interaction is positive and check that your organization closes the feedback loop with each customer. Follow those steps and your company will realize the full potential of CXM.

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Why the world's most customer-centric brands use Alida's customer experience solutions

Alida CXM was designed for brands that care about listening to the voice of their customer and just as importantly, want to action these insights across their business to close the feedback loop. With Alida CXM, brands can listen to both direct & indirect sources of customer feedback, perform automatic actioning using a configurable rule engine, create and monitor cases using on-platform case management, and have complete visibility into all related analytics and key customer experience metrics in one integrated solution. Alida CXM empowers brands to action customer feedback to constantly foster and deepen brand loyalty and advocacy.

Drive better business decisions, customer relationships, and greater customer lifetime value. Whether you’re looking to improve customer acquisition, retention, or satisfaction, insights can empower all areas of your business.



Improve experiences across the entire customer journey by identifying opportunities, diagnosing dissatisfaction, and understanding what works.


Accelerate time-to-market and improve sales of tested and co-developed products.


Increase advertiser revenue and test marketing effectiveness with deeper customer understanding


Validate strategic decisions by collecting feedback from thousands of highly-engaged customers.


Alida enables the collection of both broad feedback and deep insight to drive value for our customers. Broad feedback improves customer journey optimization while deep insights, from our biggest advocates, help improve product/UI experiences and marketing/advertising effectiveness. Both types of feedback enable a world-class voice of customer (or voice of employee) program. There are millions of customers that engage with brands by buying their products or implementing their solutions, but there’s a subset within that group that are true advocates that really care about the brand and are willing to engage on a deeper level to deliver a different, greater value back to the company.


The millions of customers that buy from you can provide broad feedback about their experience. Feedback can also be collected from target audiences, not yet your customers. This feedback is collected through surveys, online reviews, social sentiment data, and contact centre data. The feedback is used to understand customer satisfaction and measure loyalty, develop an aggregate view of voice of customer, and enable customer journey optimization.


Within the broader customer base is a tight group of advocates that really care about your organization and are willing and interested in providing deep insight. These advocates provide deeper feedback through customer interviews, focus groups, advisory boards, and digital insight communities. This feedback can be used to improve marketing and advertising effectiveness, better understand the voice of customer or voice of employee, and drive product and UX innovation. When combined with progressive profiling, the ongoing feedback from your highly invested advocates lets you see how their voice changes over time.

Alida enables the collection of both broad feedback and deep insight to drive value for our customers. Broad feedback improves customer journey optimization while deep insights, from our biggest advocates, help improve product/UI experiences and marketing/advertising effectiveness.

Both types of feedback enable a world-class voice of customer (or voice of employee) program.


Our proven insights model brings broad feedback and deep customer insights into strategic business decisions.

By putting the right strategy in place to close the feedback loop, not only will you continue to see increases in engagement from customers in future research activities, but you’ll have a large impact on key business metrics like CSAT, NPS, CLV, CAC, churn rate, and retention.


Building upon what the brand already knows about their customers in the system of record, our unique customer engagement model produces meaningful, actionable insights that fuel growth and impact the bottom line:

  • Drive revenue by providing more relevant products and services to customers which has led to over $1.7mil in increased business value from insights for customers.
  • Improve customer retention & satisfaction by better aligning and connecting product and service offerings to the user.
  • Accelerate the innovation cycle by injecting reliable market and customer insight into the development process with industry leading time-to-insight.
  • De-risk decisions by aligning products and services with the needs of the customer before investment commitments are made and products/ services are launched.



Build relationships by reciprocating value and sharing how they shape your business


Create deeper profiles to broaden your understanding of your customers


Share the value of insight across your organization to drive innovation


Learn from your customers and discover insight to impact your business

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1. “Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.”

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Alida is a Community Research platform that helps the world's biggest brands create highly engaged research communities to gather feedback that fuels better customer experiences and product innovation.